Focus on Health
November 2023
Get the Facts About Holiday Splurges
The holidays are a time to be with those you love. You gather together, tell stories, laugh, and, unfortunately for a lot of people, eat really unhealthy foods.
You may have some questions about eating healthy this time of year. Get your answers to those questions here.
Q: What can I do to cut down on fat while I’m cooking holiday foods?
A: You can try to cut the amount of fat in recipes or you can substitute low-fat ingredients for foods that have a lot of fat.
Q: But how can I reduce fat in my recipes?
A: Try the following methods:
Cut the amount of butter or oil in half and substitute with unsweetened applesauce.
Use nonstick cooking spray instead of butter or to grease pans.
Avoid frying or deep-frying foods; instead, opt for broiling, grilling, baking, roasting, or steaming.
Remove skin from poultry and visible fat from meat before cooking.
Q: What are some low-fat substitutions I can make while cooking?
A: Here are a few substitution examples:
Skinless white instead of dark chicken meat
Lean instead of high-fat cuts of beef and pork
Low-fat yogurt instead of mayonnaise or sour cream
Baby carrots and other raw vegetables instead of chips to accompany dips
Whole-grain breads instead of rolls or biscuits
Salsa, plain non- or low-fat yogurt, or Greek yogurt instead of cream-based dips
Q: What about when I’m just eating and not cooking? How can I avoid high-fat splurges then?
A: Before you leave for a holiday party, have a healthy snack. This will help ensure you’re not extremely hungry when you arrive. At the party, try your best to control your portions. Choose a smaller plate at the buffet table. Fill half your plate with vegetables. Eat slowly and enjoy the holiday company. And stop eating when you feel full.
Online Medical Reviewer: Ray Turley BSN, RN