Tests & Procedures
Thumbsucking is a natural reflex and comforting behavior in children that starts early in life. It should cause no permanent problems if it stops by age 5. Pacifiers affect the teeth basically the same as thumb-sucking, but is often an easier habit to break.
Most children stop thumb-sucking on their own between the ages of 2 and 4. There is no reason to be concerned until the front teeth start erupting or breaking through the surface. At this point, some problems may occur, including bite problems, or protruding front teeth. The intensity of the thumb-sucking is a factor in determining if problems might develop. If your child is an aggressive thumb-sucker and damage is being done to the baby (primary) teeth, see your child’s dentist. Other problems that may occur with thumb-sucking are sore thumbs, infections, and calluses on the thumb.
Talk with your child's health care provider or dentist if you are concerned with your child's thumb-sucking.
Online Medical Reviewer: Rita Sather RN